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Public relations in a sentence

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Sentence count:199+4Posted:2017-04-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: PRSimilar words: publicationinternational relationsrelationshipforeign relationsrelationcorrelationin relation topublic opinionMeaning: n. a promotion intended to create goodwill for a person or institution. 
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151 He only pursues writing-only careers like novelist, journalist or copyrighter, when instead, he could have looked into being a minister, public relations assistant, editor or government lobbyist.
152 Then, the first pace of network public relations is stridden in the process that making event.
153 Li: Could you define the two terms - public relations and lobbyist respectively to our large number of readers?sentence dictionary
154 It's an indication of the Obama Administration which prides itself on a surefooted public relations operation can be ruthless when mistakes are made.
155 I've taken such courses as secretarial principles, office ad-ministration, business English, public relations, etiquette , psychology, computer programming, typing, stenography , and file-keeping.
156 Struck by the crowd's hostility, Ray, a public relations guy with a do-gooder streak decides to rescue Hancock in turn by giving him a superhero makeover.
157 He explained that he was the public relations person for the Humane Society.
158 Be responsible for the public relations for the State Grid companies, explore the potential sales chance.
159 He revealed a serious flaw in an otherwise masterful public relations performance.
160 Only a few months before the hijacking attempt, the Kremlin had called for a public relations counteroffensive that would paint Zionism as “a vanguard of imperialism.”
161 Promotion has four distinct elements - advertising, public relations, word of mouth and point of sale.
162 and the central villain was the new figure of the public relations man.
163 To promote and maintain good public relations with hotel clientele.
164 Thinking of the provisions of the law, the negative impact to CS court of the case, our social relations and capacity of public relations, HN province high court finally affirm the original judgment.
165 The ruling Communist Party envisions the Games as a public relations showcase and is leaving no detail untended .
166 Promotion itself is also considered as comprised of four elements, advertising , personal selling, sales promotion and public relations.
167 She is as an account executive in Beijing for Hill & Knowlton, the public relations company.
168 Nowadays public relations should be taught as a required course, along with English, physics and mathematics.
169 Public Relations Department should be consulted if an adversarial situation develops.
170 I is a set of public relations, advertising and marketing planning integrated communication management company.
171 "I did not plan to undertake in-house public relations, in that way word, the relation of I and employee can become only more flooey " .
172 She is a hype artist for a public relations firm.
173 Noyes characterized the Vatican's approach to public relations as a "hit-or-miss proposition," and said "decision making" is divorced from "public spin."
174 It's an indication of the Obama administration which prides itself on a surefooted public relations operation can be ruthless when mistakes are made.
175 We believe , colleague of public relations bound can be condemned jointly and boycott this kind to borrowed filthily behavior .
176 In the four kinds of forms, the irrelative cost is too high, but the credibility of the public relations is too low, the background of the close relation the friendship becomes the most importent one.
177 His garrulousness caused major public relations problems as 1995 drew towards a close.
178 With the reporter, a few person of the same trades that come round to interview were not allowed inside, can pass pass on of company of AOL precatory public relations only a few interview content.
179 I've got to eat, ' says Dickie Arbiter, 70, who became a royal pundit after retiring as a public relations man for Buckingham Palace.
180 The candidates employ top public relations and advertising men , who invent clever catch phrase.
More similar words: publicationinternational relationsrelationshipforeign relationsrelationcorrelationin relation topublic opinionpublic opinion pollpublic policypublicrepublicpubliclyin publicsublimationelationpublicizepublicisepublicityRepublicanrelaxationpublic goodpublic debtpublic toiletpublic workspublic officerevelationpublic sectorrepublicanismin the public eye
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